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The BAMTEC® – Solution

BAMTEC® Reinforcement Technology is the most advanced and economical system for surface reinforcement. You reinforce slabs, slabs on ground and walls simply, extremely quickly and safely.

The BAMTEC® – Advantages

Time pressure, budget pressure, margin pressure and shortage of skilled workers and ever increasing quality requirements.
These are the daily challenges for the construction industry. For the reinforcing steel sector, the solution is BAMTEC® Reinforcement Technology.


Tissot-Arena – Biel, Switzerland


Nola II – Italy

Shopping Center

Vadian – St. Gallen, Switzerland

Office Building

Airport Budapest – Hungary

Office Building

Klinikum Kempten – Kempten – Germany


Uetliberg Tunnel – Switzerland


Orkdalsvegen Tunnel – Norway


Highway A50 – Holland


Jansen – Oberriet, Switzerland


Brandenburger Urstromquelle – Germany


Winnersh – U.K


RWE-Tower – Dortmund, Germany


Home of FIFA – Zurich, Switzerland

Office Building

Primavera Oy – Germany


News – stay updated!

Die Debrunner Koenig Gruppe als neuer, exklusiver BAMTEC® Partner in der Schweiz / Le groupe Debrunner Koenig, nouveau partenaire exclusif de BAMTEC® en Suisse (DE/FR)….

Die Debrunner Koenig Gruppe als neuer, exklusiver BAMTEC® Partner in der Schweiz Le groupe Debrunner Koenig, nouveau partenaire exclusif de BAMTEC® en Suisse   Starke Partnerschaft für schnelles, nachhaltiges und wirtschaftliches Bauen in der Schweiz BAMTEC® und die Debrunner Koenig Gruppe freuen sich, ihre neue exklusive Partnerschaft in der Schweiz…

Acquire a BAMTEC® Licence for the manufacture and sale of BAMTEC® Reinforcement Technology.